International Project

Change for me, Chage my Life!
Busan Digital University


GAA(Global Access Asia) is a platform for online education that Busan Digital University and Dongseo University developed. GAA provides online lectures to universities across Asia. Students from Busan Digital University can take online classes in English that were developed by 20 Asia countries and 80 universities and get credits with Asian students through GAA.

GAA was proposed in 12th full session(Malaysia, Langkawi, August, 2013) to Asian University Presidents Forum(AUPF) and was launched in August, 2015 through Task Force team meeting and development of Online Education Platform.

Busan Digital University has a content development process of GAA and training of system management for participants of GAA. Also, BDU supports GAA platform and technology such as a server system for managing online lectures, LMS, educational administration system and test system. Dongseo University manages secretariat that is in charge of support for opening lectures.

Busan Digital University made the studio for shooting content of GAA in August, 2015 and there were GAA Launching Ceremony which 10 countries and 18 universities participated in and arrangement of MOU. 

 Seminar of content development
 Education of executives

There are 16 Asian countries and 59 universities in GAA in 2016. All GAA students can take lectures and credits in GAA. GAA has credit and general subjects. All subjects are studied in English. GAA developed 13 subjects that are included 8 credit subjects in 2015 and there are 16 subjects in 2016. According to improving participated University’s capability of content development, we are going to increase the number of subjects and diversifies.