BDU Life

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Busan Digital University

Graduate school

Graduation Requirements

  • 24 credits or more in major, 6 credits of thesis research
  • A total GPA of 3.0 or higher
  • Pass the qualification test for degree acquisition (foreign language, major)
  • Pass the thesis examination (or complete 6 credits in the thesis alternative course)

Qualifications to take the degree acquisition qualification test

  • It consists of a foreign language test and a major test

foreign language test

  • The foreign language test is based on English. However, foreign students must take courses in foreign languages other than their native language (choice from among Japanese, Chinese, German, French, and Korean).
  • It can be replaced by acquiring a certain score or higher in TOEFL, TOEIC, etc., or by completing an English course approved by the dean of the graduate school, a language training program, or a prescribed curriculum at a foreign language educational institution.
  • The passing criterion is a score of 70 or higher out of 100.
  • Qualifications to take the foreign language test: Those who have registered for more than one semester

major exam

  • Applicants must have acquired at least 18 credits and registered for at least 4 semesters with a GPA of 3.0 or higher
  • Applicants who wish to take the major test must submit the application form after confirmation by the advisor and the head of the department.
  • There are 3 or more majors for each major, and detailed subjects are determined by the head of the department.
  • The passing criterion is a score of 70 or higher out of 100 for each subject.